Kloster von Agios Ioannis
The Monastery of Agios Ioannis, also called Rodháki Monastery is located 5 km south of the village Vournika, near Rodháki, is referred to as one of the most interesting monasteries of the island. Still preserved are the ruins of this ancient temple as well as the columns (which are broken down by Doric ensemble of columns) and parts of the paved ground. On the edge of the Sanctum, for example, you can still admire the impressive figure of Platitera.
The Monastery was probably built in 1654, on the foundations of a former ancient Doric temple of Dimitra, the goddess of agriculture and fertility. According to an old superstition, a childless couple, that is praying in church and one hears steps outside the front door, will given birth to a child.
In the late 18th century, the monastery was transferred to the government, and in 1797 the Monastery of Asomatos a Vafkeri was granted. The main church in the wide area, which is well preserved, has been extended many times. The cells of the monks were increased together with adjoining rooms. Fragments of the mural on the east wall of the Catholicon are maintained with exceptional techniques. On the edge of Sanctum you can admire the imposing figure of Platitera.